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                             YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE - KAMPI LAARI ROBERT .
Growing up as a child, I have come to know that the sweetest victory is the one that is most difficult. The one that requires you to reach down deep inside, to fight with everything you have  got, to be willing to leave everything out there on the battlefield—without knowing, until that do-or-die moment, if your can do spirit will be enough.
You can all attest to the fact that society doesn’t reward defeat, and you won’t find many failures documented in history books. Even no one wants to be associated with someone who has failed. I once witnessed a friend gong hungry for several weeks as a sign of rejection from family members after he could not get good grades in his high school final exams. Thanks to God I saw the intelligence in this young man even when everyone stood against him.
Winston Churchill of blessed memory once said, "success is the ability to go from failure to failure without loosing enthusiasm".
I totally agree with this generational thinker. Life they say is in phases, you might not always get it right at the first attempt but you Will not always be last from bottom. Its the enthusiasm to continue that shows whether you have succeeded or not.
I am convinced you have ever been put down because you feel you have failed. That is a great illusion. Simply because you couldn't do it the first time doesn't mean you have failed. What it means is that, you have simply found another way of doing it right and better.
The story about Thomas Edison keeps me smiling at those who may think i am a failure in whatever i find myself.
Edison's most memorable invention was the light bulb, which purportedly took him 1,000 tries before he developed a successful prototype. “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” a reporter asked. “I didn’t fail 1,000 times,” Edison responded. “The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”
Unlike Edison, many of us avoid the prospect of failure . In fact, we are so focused on not failing that we don’t aim for success, settling instead for a life of mediocrity. When we do make missteps, we gloss over them, selectively editing out the miscalculations or mistakes in our life’s résumé. “Failure is not an option".
NASA flight controller Jerry C. Bostick reportedly stated during the mission to bring the damaged Apollo 13 back to Earth, and that phrase has been etched into the collective memory ever since. To many in our success-driven society, failure isn’t just considered a non-option—it’s deemed a deficiency, says Kathryn Schulz, author of
Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error . “Of all the things we are wrong about, this idea of error might well top the list,” Schulz says. “It is our meta-mistake: We are wrong about what it means to be wrong. Far from being a sign of intellectual inferiority, the capacity to err is crucial to human cognition.”
The one time world richest man Bill Gates has a better life to offer us, as human beings who want to achieve greatness. He failed in his attempt to coming out with computer softwares. But it never kept him down. It created an enthusiasm in him to aim higher.
No matter how many people tell you that you don’t seem to be making hence quit, don’t let that demoralize you from persisting to the top. Just keep moving till you win. Achieving your dreams are characterized by ups and downs so stay motivated and move on.
How you see yourself is very important so view yourself as very successful and never a failure.
“The quickest road to success is to possess an attitude toward failure of ‘no fear.’
If you make mistakes, then you make mistakes. That does not mean that you are anything less than wonderful. You are not a failure. If you had a job that didn’t work out, then it was a learning experience. The same goes for a business that could not work out as planned. Don’t look at yourself as a failure if you couldn't pass that exams. Don't consider yourself a failure if that long relationship couldn't work out. You simply had a relationship that was wrong for you. You learned what not to do! All of those experiences are  not failures  but they have taught you valuable lessons.
I contested to be elected as President of the Students Representative Council of my school, but I could not emerge as winner. Frankly speaking I have come to know more about human beings and their behavior than first. Come to think about the exposure it gave me. It has made me a better person than if I didn't try to do it at all. Thanks to everyone who believed in me and supported me.
If you stay in the negativity and let it define you, then you have been defined by something other than you. You need to define yourself. This is the only way you will find happiness. Define the true you and don’t let anyone treat you in a way that makes you feel worthless.
At the time of writing this article, I haven't met you but I believe you are more successful just by your thoughts.
Think of all the good things that you have done, and let those good thoughts fill your heart.
Next time you catch yourself having negative self thoughts, I want you to say the word ‘stop’ in your mind and remember that you are a beautiful person who deserves better than being called a failure. YOU DESERVE BETTER. Remember that.
If you are reading this article, it tells me that deep down you know you are not a failure. All you need is a little reminder that you are someone that matters. Because you need this reminder, you should treat yourself to something that brings a smile to your face. It doesn’t have to cost any money.
Let your spirit soar to great heights knowing that you are a success. I see you celebrated in our generation. So don't give up at all.
You are not a failure and never will be. I believe in you. 

                                                         SEE YOU AT THE TOP.
                                                         KAMPI LAARI ROBERT .

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